Friday, August 3, 2007

Rhino Editor Emphasizes Inclusive Coverage

John Hammer, Rhinoceros Times Editor, provides some advice for the 33 Greensboro City Council candidates in a column titled, "Successful Candidates Stand For Something."

Much of his advice is common sense, but as his column suggests, past candidates have not always applied some of the seemingly obvious tips that he offers.

Hammer emphasizes having a message that goes deeper than a pledge to make Greensboro a better place.

And he doesn't hide his personal preference for candidates who are inclined to avoid tax increases.

The column starts on page 2, skips to page 96, and finishes on page 98.

I'm glad I finished reading the column.

In the second-to-last paragraph, Hammer writes, "Here are the at-large candidates we haven't mentioned in this column yet."

And he goes on to list them.

Ending with an obvious but important conclusion:

"That's a whole bunch of people to sort through."

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