Saturday, August 11, 2007

What's It Gonna Take To Get You To Blog?

A fifth (and for now, final) question raised in this post and this post is how more people can be brought into our blogging community.

I'm now not as gung-ho about suggesting that others should blog as I was when I previously (and relatively briefly) blogged.

It depends so much on personal tastes, as well as on how much valuable time a person can sacrifice to do it.

Negatively judging people for not blogging is as bad as negatively judging those who do. (Not just bad--also unnecessary.)

I do believe that the blogging community--like any community--can be made stronger and better by adding more voices.

But some people just aren't interested in their voices being permanently recorded.

Many people just have too many other responsibilities and interests.

All of those reasons for not blogging have to be respected.

Still, it's not a bad thing to keep trying to bring more people in by:
  • Educating people about the medium.
  • Inviting people's participation.
  • Focusing more on those who approach it positively than on those who insist on coming at it from a more negatively.
  • Celebrating and publicizing its more creative efforts and greater successes.

Like all communities, blogging needs ambassadors, individuals who make newcomers and old-timers feel welcome to join and continue being a part of the discussion.

Just as in the bigger world, there needs to be genuine respect and appreciation for diverse views, topics, approaches, and voices.

How we each choose to express ourselves matters.

Just a few ideas to keep the ball rolling.

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